Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Middle Half-Year 6

This was Kelly's 6th year to run the Middle Half (the Half Marathon in our hometown of Murfreesboro, TN).  He ran with two friends he worked with in Chattanooga, Mike and Ryan.  The good news is...he survived! :)
 It was a quick trip to the 'Boro for Kelly but he was able to squeeze in a few hours at the soccer fields where he saw an old friend, Robert McKee.
 And of course lots of nieces and nephews!

Other M'boro Half Marathon blog posts:

1 comment:

Mama Mary said...

SUPER WEEKEND! The nice thing about getting "old" is that (most)everyone is so complying ~ come over here and let me take your picture ~ okay. . . SO happy to have these photos!