Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Sadies 2014

Kyler got asked to the Sadies dance this year. I love all the cute/fun stuff these kids do. He came home from football practice and found this in his room:
She had put her name on a small piece of paper inside one of the balloons. (Sidney)
Kyler enlisted the help of his sister to make a poster to give Sidney his answer and then he put this in her car
It was an all-day affair. They do a "day date" before the actual dance (which is pretty lame). They went to Holly's house for lunch, did a scavenger hunt around Almo, went to Sidney's house for dinner, stopped by the dance mostly to get a picture and then went to the Haunted Straw Maze.

Looks like his group had a fun time!
Cheyenne & Luke, Austin & Shelby, Robert & Rebecca, Vicky & Braegon, Holly & Kayden, Chandler & Marcie, Sidney & Kyler

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