Monday, January 5, 2015

Quilts 2014

I made a few simple quilts in 2014 and I am looking forward to making more in 2015!

I started this one about 2 years ago and finally finished it this year. It is the biggest quilt I've ever made which made it the hardest to machine quilt only due to its size. But I LOVE it because it is made entirely from scraps of things that I have made + fabric that I used for curtains and bedskirts + denim scraps. We keep in the van and we used it at football games this Fall.
 My friend Jen taught me a super fast and easy way to make baby/lap quilts and I made this for my newest yet-to-be-seen-in-person nephew, Rhec! I used black, white, and maroon which are Eagleville school colors where all 6 of his brothers and sisters go to school.
 Tshirt quilt made from all of our Normal Park tshirts (where the kids went to school when we lived in Chattanooga). We all fight over who gets to snuggle under this one!
 I made this one for Trevin for Christmas after he found that green minky fabric in my stash and asked me to make him a soft blanket. I used some leftover fabric from his curtains and bought the rest to coordinate with his bedroom colors. He kinda likes it. :)


kg said...

Love! Someday we can quilt together. You sew and I'll hand quilt on top...while watching a good movie.

Mary said...

Blog catching up today! LOVE each and every post ~ time after time. . . OXOXOXOXO :>) . . .