Monday, February 21, 2011

I just love days like this...

The kids are out of school for President's Day.

It's warm enough to play outside (even if it is overcast and a bit windy).

We had to wake up Trevin at 10:15 so he could go over to his friend's house to play. He's been gone all day.

Kierstyn has spent the day at a neighborhood birthday party with all the boys from school in her grade. Yes, she was the only girl and yes, she was in heaven.

Kyler has been back and forth between our backyard and a friend's, playing football, jumping on the trampoline and who knows what else.

Makes me long for summer.....


Charity said...

School was in session here thanks to a few too many snow days. Oh well! Glad ya'll are enjoying your holiday! ;-)

Cortney said...

My kids are sick today & everyone was home. Made me miss summer today too! :)

Karen said...

Me too. Your day sounds perfect. We were in school. I felt a little robbed of a day. But so glad you enjoyed yours.

Quincy Sorensen said...

It seems like your kids are enjoying a magical childhood.