likes his music and iPod
is smart
is a teenager!
I love Kyler so much. I just can't believe he's 13!!! He can't be a teenager! I am so thankful for the example he sets for me. He's taught me patience, love, and respect. He is such a great example for his 19 younger cousins. I am sooooo glad he is MY OLDER BROTHER I love you Kyler! Happy Birthday!
is kind
is thoughtful
is tender hearted
is well mannered
is respectful of others
is obedient
is a good big brother
Love, Dad
Love, Dad
is a teenager!
is taller than me (and has been for quite some time)
wants his own room and a new bike
loves to play basketball, especially with the Young Adult men at church
is Sensitive...with a capital S :)
is laid-back and easy-going
loves camping and fishing and the outdoors
is well-mannered and very respectful of adults
favorite pasttime is texting on his iPod
continues to improve and excel at piano
is a great student and is especially good at Math
is quiet-I often get asked, "Is he always this quiet?"
his voice is changing....gotta love puberty! :)
is the most similar to me (personality-wise) of my 3 kids
will eat pretty much anything and everything; requested bacon-wrapped steak, brussel sprouts, and brownies for his birthday dinner
loves to wear his white normal Park tshirt
loves to shop (and especially loves shoes)
handles the pressure of being the oldest and having to be "the example" wonderfully
Love, Mom
I love Kyler so much. I just can't believe he's 13!!! He can't be a teenager! I am so thankful for the example he sets for me. He's taught me patience, love, and respect. He is such a great example for his 19 younger cousins. I am sooooo glad he is MY OLDER BROTHER I love you Kyler! Happy Birthday!
Kind, Sweet
Best older brother ever
Young man
Love, Kierstyn
He likes Legos and playing basketball. He is very nice to me and sets a very good example for me. He is a very good learner. I love him. He is very special to me.
He likes Legos and playing basketball. He is very nice to me and sets a very good example for me. He is a very good learner. I love him. He is very special to me.
Love, Trevin
Happy Birthday teenager!
I love these birthday postings you do! You describe him so well. :)
I can't believe he is a teenager. He is the sweetest most respectful one I know!
I ditto ALL of those characteristics, values, and personality traits of Kyler. He's THE man!! To say I love him is an understatement ~ If all teenagers were a fraction of this good the world would be a MUCH better place. Happy 13th Birthday Kyler!
These birthday posts are so touching they almost make me cry. Kyler rocks! Happy Birthday Big Guy!
I can't believe you have a teenager! What a fun young man, happy birthday! (And I love what Kierstyn writes about him.)
Yes, happy birthday to this teenager! What a handsome, lovable boy! Kyler I've always been impressed with how kind you are to your mother and how mild mannered you are :) Hope your day is great!!!
What a sweet thing to have each family write something about him. I lvoe that idea! Happy Birthday Kyler!
13... Oh, my! He really is the sweetest teenage boy I know. I hope he had a great day!
I like the new shoes!
Happy Birthday! Are you old enough to have a teenager, Jen, you look like you're in your twenties! ;)
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