Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Letter from my Grandma

My grandma passed away in January and today I received this letter in the mail. My grandma wrote this in 2005, two years after her husband passed away and wanted it to be given to us upon her death.

April 23, 2005

     With Lots of Love & Kisses from Dad & Mom to our 4 children, spouses, grandchildren and great grandchildren, we love you all very much. God always gave us the best!!
     Love and cherish each other as life is shorter than you think. Live so God will approve of you and we can all meet again and get Hugs and Kisses from you.
     We tried to do our best as parents to teach you.
     I had a wonderful husband for a long time and you kids had a very long loving father. We talked of you so often and thanked God.
     I'm sorry I had to be such a burden on you. You all checked on me so often, called me often and did so much for Dad and me. Dad often said we had the best kids in the world and he was right. Thanks for being ours and we will see you again some day as Jesus has promised us. We will watch you from above. You will always be in our hearts.
     Now I've gone to see Dad again (the love of my life) and we will wait for you all.
     We love you so very much.

Love & Kisses,
Mom & Dad

My grandma's letter exudes with her love for her husband and children. I am grateful to have been the recipient of many/much Love, Hugs, & Kisses from her while she was alive and I will most definitely look forward to the day I see her again. I am thankful for the legacy of love and enduring marriage she left for me and all her posterity.


kg said...

That is the sweetest thing ever, what a treasure and legacy for sure!!

Scott said...

This is such a treasure!

Mama Mary said...

Oh, Jen!! This is amazing ~ something many "think" about doing and never do! I love your Iowa roots and what and who you have become as a result! Example is everything. Thank you for sharing! (Another reason this generation NEEDS to learn cursive!) LOVE. . . .

Ashley said...

Wow that's so sweet, what a thoughtful, and sweet woman she was! You're much the same!