Sunday, October 21, 2007

How We Spent our Saturday

Can you believe a football game!? We traveled to Jacksonville (AL) to watch Jacksonville State play Tennessee Tech. Kelly coached the QB for Jacksonville, Cedric Johnson, when we lived in Americus, GA so we went to see him play.

Here he is....
This is the poster that Kierstyn made. She started working on it early in the week as soon as we told her we were going to the game. It kept her busy ALL week. (She was very proud of it--can you tell? She gave it Cedric to keep after the game.)

Here she is cheering. "Go, Cedric! Number 12! Go, Cedric! Number 12!" Repeat 37 times.We sat down by the field toward the end zone. The kids had plenty of room to roam (and hang around). I got my exercise in for the week with several trips up and down the stairs escorting my children to the bathroom!


Lisha said...

How fun! I love going to football games, and I think kids feel the fun atmosphere, too! Did your team win?

danakat said...

I am so jealous!!! I LOVE college ball! How fun for you guys!

hope said...

Looks like you all had so much fun! I am not a big football fan, but it does look like fun!