Kierstyn had a soccer game at 5:15 tonight (they won and she scored 2 goals!) and then the 1st grade performed at PTA. They sang some really cute songs and I was very impressed with their enthusiastic singing voices. We are blessed to have a fabulously FANTASTIC music teacher at Madison Elementary. Of course our Kierstyn would never miss an opportunity to "perform" especially if it means getting to sing in front of an audience. I wish I had video so you could see how animated she was...(you'll just have to use your imagination).
Walking in.... Singing

I am a bad, bad mommy. Due to the crazy afternoon schedule we had dinner after the PTA at 7:30. When I tell you what I fed my kids for dinner you'll understand why I said I am a bad, bad mommy. Cheesesticks and applesauce. Let's see, there's the dairy group, the fruit group, ....can I count the breading on the cheesesticks as the grain group?? I think I'll ask for a Dinner Fairy for Christmas.
Oh well! Mine didn't eat until after the football game tonight at was dairy queen ice cream...We'll make up for it tomorrow! Right? I am so glad to read this blog. I love how Real you are!!!
haha how cute! I went to Madison Elementary too, I loved that school.And heck, Cheese sticks are my fav. dinner!
Ditto to Gretchen, only my kids had Little Caesars Pizza after the football game. Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do!
Kierstyn is so cute, she looks just like you!
Thanks for making me feel better guys. :)
We had EasyMacnCheese.
At least you offered 'fruit'.
You guys are funny. I can't imagine busy evenings like that. I get stressed when I let the girls play outside for too long and I am late to making dinner. Thanks for the insight on what's to come. :)
Wow! I can't believe all the pics you have updated with! I haven't been blogging as much as I usually do. But maybe that is a good thing. Your trip looked like it was lots of fun! I love the pics!! You are getting so good at your photography. I love them! I envy your jack-o-lantern!! Are your pumpkins just brown bags, painted and glued? My kids would love to do that! Love the pics!!
Oh, and you are not a bad mom. As far as I am concerned, if you included anything besides the starch group, you are a good mommy. Dairy and fruit are a great choice!! My kids would probably prefer and apples and cheese night!!
Oh, Jen! All you needed to do was throw in some M & M's and you would have had all the "colors" suggested for a balanced meal. Your kids eat WAY better than any I know ~ and at least you fed them ~ that is important, McKenzie, if you are reading this!!! Ask Santa to bring me a dinner fairy too!! :>) LOVE Kierstyn's zest for life and all it has to offer. What did the Prim. Pres. in GA say about her???
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