Monday, September 15, 2008

Tag....Sure, Why Not?

Saw this on Hope's blog the other day and thought I'd give it a try....

10 years ago- Seriously? Do you really expect me to remember that far back? Hmmmm, let's see. Sept. 15, 1998. I was a first-time mommy to my chunk-o-munk 5 month old Kyler. We were living in Burley, Idaho at the time (sad that we've lived in 5 PLACES since then!). I had just gone back to work part-time at Mountain View Elementary School as a Preschool Special Ed Aide. I worked mornings and Kyler went to a sitter for a couple of hours. Kelly was working on the Cassia County Road Construction Crew...earning enough money so that we could move back to TN in December.

5 years ago- Sept. 15, 2003. Whew! Now a mommy to 3 little ones my days were definitely busy and full. Kyler had just started Kindergarten and I spent my time playing with Kierstyn, baby Trevin and a little boy named Jonah who I babysat. Living in a little house filled with a lot of love and always working on one "project" or another. My friend Jill and I loved to go on walks (pushing strollers of course) or meet at the park enjoying the always beautiful sunny Florida weather. Oh how I miss that warm weather (and you too, Jill). Friday nights were spent cheering on the South Lake football team that Kelly coached. Hard to believe that was only 5 years ago!

5 months ago- April 15, 2008. I have to admit I cheated. I went back to my blog to see what I was doing then. See, I knew this whole blogging thing would come in handy. :) 5 months ago I apparently had food on the brain (since many of my blog posts were about the $70/week grocery challenge). I was also grudgingly attending Trevin's tball games wishing I was one of those parents who actually enjoyed spending all my time at the ballfields. I was definitely wishing/hoping/praying that someone would buy our house so that we could move to Chattanooga and actually get to see Kelly more than just on the weekends.

5 weeks ago- August 11, 2008. Getting ready for the 1st day of school! I had just started working and I was seriously wondering what I had gotten myself into.

5 hours ago- 5:09PM. Thawing chicken for dinner. Listening to my kids play. Wondering how Kelly's day was.

5 minutes ago- 10:05PM. Working on this blog post of course. Before that, I was working on my blog book. I have been trying to keep up with it so that it's not so consuming at the end of the year. So far, so good. I'm finished through the middle of July. What else is a girl supposed to do when her kids are in bed and her hubby is out of town?

5 things I did today- Had family prayer. Kissed my husband good-bye. Smiled. Helped Kindergarteners think of things that started with the letter B. Made egg salad.

5 things I will do tomorrow- Take a shower. Go to the African American Museum with Trevin on his Learning Expedition. Volunteer at school. Check my emails. Buy a bigger notebook for Kyler.

5 things I want to tell my husband- I love you. I miss you. Thank you for working so hard. You can buy another tv....someday. I hope that speeding ticket doesn't cost too much.


hope said...

I was hoping someone would do this, too. I loved reading it!

Jessica M said...

Fun! And Kierstyn looked beautiful in her baptism dress. (I love your current haircut,BTW).

Wendyrful said...

Cute. I didn't notice it on Hope's blog... have to go check that out!

gretchen said...

I loved this...I am so doing it! Finally a tag I love! Thanks for sharing!

Kristen S said...

Hi Jen, thanks for the comment on my blog! Of course I remember you. I also love to blog surf, and found your blog through Meghan's ! Your family is just precious--your daughter is the spitting image of you (I'm sure you never get told that or anything)!