Tuesday, January 6, 2009

To Resolve or Not to Resolve....

Well so many of you have been making your New Years Resolutions and I have toyed with whether or not to do so this year. On Dec. 29th I happened to find my '08 Resolutions and sad to say, I only accomplished one of them. One of the biggest problems was probably that my "list" had been lost under a pile of papers in a dark corner of a hidden-away cabinet. :) Anyways, I am feeling motivated but not in the traditional "New Years Resolutions" kind of way. There are a few things I'd like to accomplish/try this year starting with finishing my Blurb book from last year. Thankfully, I've been mostly keeping up with that so I only have Oct-Dec to finish. I'm hoping to work on it tonight and tomorrow but I'm giving myself a 2 week deadline just in case.

The other personal goal or "challenge" I have this month is to only use the food we have on hand for the rest of January. I am allowing myself to buy milk, eggs, and possibly yogurt at the store but I am going to try to clean out the freezer(s) and refrigerator and use what's hiding in the pantry. I know I will have to get a little creative but hopefully that will be fun. After Christmas spending, a leaky roof, and an unexpectedly high gas bill I'm thinking that that grocery money could be better spent elsewhere. This only gets tough where Kelly is concerned. The kids and I could eat pasta every night (and we've got plenty of that!) but Kelly tends to like a little protein with his dinner. Tonight I'm introducing the kids to Tuna Casserole. I'm hoping they'll like it because we could eat that all month if we had to. Not that I'd want to do that of course.

So I don't think I'll make a New Years Resolutions list this year but I do have a "Project List" started and I think I'll consider myself successful if I at least accomplish one or two things by the end of the year. Hey, you've gotta start somewhere....and I'm choosing to start small.


Jenny said...

you have the most adorable pictures! I love the family shots!

kg said...

I like this idea :) Also like the new look :)

danakat said...

I agree about official "resolutions" as in a list...I just try to apply things to a state of mind. Usually works...when me kids aren't driving me insane...or maybe it should work better ESPECIALLY if my kids are driving me insane. Whichever...good luck to you. :)

And I love the kissy-face picture in your header.

Denise said...

Jen....MY sentiments EXACTLY on the "traditional" New Year's resolutions. I have them in my head as "projects to accomplish"...though I think I haven't COMPLETELY let go of anal retentive-ness. LOVE reading about your comings and goings. Loved your time off on the couch (inspired me), love your resolve to take each child INDIVIDUALLY on a trip....great idea. LOVE YOUR BLOG!!! You are great!