Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A Big Boo Hoo and Blessings

First, the Big Boo Hoo....

Yesterday I loaded up the kids and we headed out for an afternoon of errands. I was driving to pick up a canner at someone's house who lives 20 miles away. I had never been there before but I was fully prepared with my mapquested directions. And off we go.....we were 2 miles from the lady's house when my transmission totally went out. I knew instantly what it was because, ironically enough, the very same thing happened not more than 3 months ago. Only that time I was in Atlanta with a bunch of youth from church. Not fun. Luckily that time we were able to get my car up to Dalton (30 min. away) and had a complete new transmission put in the car. NOT cheap, by the way. So WHY did it go out again?????

As soon as the transmission went out I pulled into a gravel parking lot which happened to be a State Park area. I drove down to a turn in the road where I had planned to back up and turn around. No Reverse. So I continued on down the bumpy gravel and followed the road up a slight hill until no Drive. The only option left was to back it up in neutral (down a hill) and park in a small parking area big enough for 2 cars.

And now for the Blessings.....
1. We got out of the car and the kids climbed down these rocks down to the creek and had a total blast climbing on rocks and wading in the water. We discovered a really, really cool area that we definitely plan to go back to.

2. Unbeknownst to me, right after the State Park I was going to be driving up a great big mountain. If I hadn't pulled in there when I did I would have been stuck on a windy mountain road with no shoulder to pull off on.

3. If this had happened today, I would have been out of luck as Kelly left early this morning to go to Chicago for work. Lucky for me, it happened yesterday so he was able to come rescue us and

4. he had the tow truck driver from work follow him so we were able to get my car towed back to the same place that "fixed" the transmission before.

I'm hoping that when we get the bill for this big boo hoo that I will be able to remember the blessings of that day!


Unknown said...

Car troubles are not fun but it is great that you are able to recognize all the blessings. Good for you. I think sometimes I get too involved in the bad to open my eyes to the good. Thanks for the reminder.

Lisha said...

I love seeing the Lord's hand protecting us and blessing us through hardships, thanks for sharing this experience. Hopefully the car is fixed without too much trouble or expense... good luck.

kg said...

As my mother says, 'cars are necessary evils'...but glad for those blessings. Hope they fix it for free since you just had it replaced!

Wendyrful said...

A 'NEW' Transmission ought to last more than three MONTHS!!!!! They better fix it for you for free!
Can't wait to see pic's of the kids (back at) the new cool rock area! ;-)
and yay for blessings of it being the only safe place to turn in to, Kelly being home, a Tow truck available to take you to the shop...
Also, Love the New BLOG look!!!

Quincy Sorensen said...

I hope you have no boo-hooing at all. Surely, a transmission should last for years, not months. You have a great attitude.

Natalie said...

I'm catching up and I'm sorry to hear this about your car. How is it that you ALWAYS have a way of recognizing the blessings in the midst of a challenge? You impress me friend!

Becki said...

Wow! I'm so sorry. My transmission went out last year when Dan was out of town. It jst stopped at an intersection and I could move at all. Not fun! I really hope it won't cost too much, that is so frustrating!!