Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Funny Kid

We dropped Kyler and Kierstyn off at piano lessons, drove to a nearby track so I could run some laps, and were headed back to pick them up when the following conversation occurred:

Trevin: Where is that place in the world that has the really big tvs and buildings? It's really cool.
Me: (not really paying attention) it Hong Kong?
Trevin: No, I don't think so, but they have lots of tvs and I bet there are more than 900 buildings!
Me: (trying to pay a little more attention and help him figure out the answer to his question) Is it New York?
Trevin: YES! That's it! They have really cool tvs everywhere and lots of buildings.
Me: Yeah, I've never been to New York, but I think it would be really neat to go there someday.
Trevin: Me too! I want to go there for my moonpie.
Me: (trying really, really hard to figure out what in the world he is talking about) Your moonpie???
Trevin: Yeah, for my moonpie.
Me: (still trying really, really, really hard to figure it out when....lightbulb moment!) Ha! You mean for your honeymoon?!
Trevin: Yeah, for my honeymoon.
Me: I think New York would be a great place to go for a honeymoon!



Denise said...

kids say the darnedest things! tonight I was frying up some green peppers etc (added some garlic from a jar first). The garlic was popping...the burner was too hot with everything else I was doing. As they popped every which way Cody says, "Ahhhhhh! Fireworks!!!!" I DID look somewhat like fireworks. I need to remember MORE of the funny, witty, and comical things my children say. Thanks for sharing

Meghan said...

So funny and so cute!!!

Anonymous said...

That is funny!

hope said...

I love it!!!

lisapenn said...

That is cute. I am going to have to remember to write down more of what my kis say.

Mama Mary said...

Well, you have made my day! That is TOO FUNNY!!!!!!!! AND. . . HUGE kudos to YOU for figuring it out. LOL. . . . . .

msbookite said...

so i came here to tell you to tell trevin that he can have his "moonpie" by coming to visit us in Tennessee since they are all over here...then i remembered you are one of my friends that i actually get to SEE and you LIVE HERE! most of the blogs i visit are friends that are far far away!! thanks for the blog link!! i'll be "seeing" lots more of you now! lol!