Friday, August 14, 2009

How Kierstyn Organized Her Clothes

My kids amaze me sometimes. They may not always do things exactly the way I would; they often seem to come up with their own "system." Take for instance earlier this week....I had gone running early in the morning and when I came home I heard Kierstyn's music playing in her room. She was obviously up to something but I let her go about her business while I checked email, read blogs, etc. Finally, after an hour or so, she came down with a couple of shirts and a pair of shorts that she said she didn't want anymore. She said, "I've been busy cleaning out my closet." Then she told me about her fabulous idea: "I'm going to wear a different shirt every day before wearing the same one again."

AND to help with this plan, she sorted her shirts into piles. This is the criteria she used to sort them: (click to enlarge)
And yes, I realize she has A LOT of shirts. But in my defense I'm not the one who bought most of them. In fact, of the 40 shirts you see here (and the other 5 that were being washed), I only bought 6 of them! Seriously. Many thanks to grandmothers and friends for the rest! :)


danakat said...

Love it!
And if she really is going to wear them all once before repeating...then she has shirts to last until almost the end of school. :)

kg said...

That's hilarious! I can hear K telling you all about each pile :)

Quincy Sorensen said...

Oh, this is cute. Did she fold all 40 shirts herself? I am so impressed!

Denise said...

Oh how well I understand the many shirts .... and only buying a few! Now if only Kelsey would get her own system soon. ANY of my children, for that matter. Yeah!!! for Kiersten!!!! And lucky you! I bet it is YOUR influence and example that got her started....

Meghan said...

OH man, she is a funny girl!!!!

Kim Mayfield said...

This is just too funny! Can I borrow her to come teach my daughters what an organized closet should look like? And my boys, too, while she is at it?!

Unknown said...

How funny! I love her technique!!

Jessica M said...

This was awesome. Kierstyn is a girl after my own heart.

Mama Mary said...

This gal is priceless! LOVE it!! AND her too!!!! Just like Dr. L said, children will eventually display the habits they have seen in their parents ~ you have been an excellent example of organizing and patience. So, should I not give her clothes for her birthday?? OXOXOXO