Friday, May 21, 2010

May Exhibit Night

Our last Exhibit Night has come and gone. Kierstyn got sick at school that day and came home early so she had to miss the 3rd grade Recycled orchestra performance. (I need to take a picture of her instrument so you can see how cool it was.) 3rd graders studied Tennessee Ecology this quarter.

Here is Kierstyn's diamante poem....anyone know what that is?!1st graders learned all about America this quarter. Trevin learned so many fun facts about different states and those songs he came home singing every day were so cute. Flat Trevin took a trip to St. Louis to visit our friends the Palmers (Thank you so much, Nat!) and Trevin had a friend named Flat Kimora who visited our cousins in Iowa (Yours was one of the best, Lindsey!)
"There is no arch like Missouri's."
Abraham Lincoln watercolor by Trevin

I didn't take my camera into the Upper School but Kyler had a really cool Power point on Germany, a tornado project, a sonnet based on Weird Al Yankovich's "eBay" song, and a mythology story on display.

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