Wednesday, August 24, 2011

{thirty-six} & {fifteen}

Yes, it's true. I had a birthday last week. I realized that now I'm edging up on forty. Age has never mattered to me and I'm happy that it still doesn't. Still, to think of myself as forty is kind of surreal.

I celebrated several times...dinner out with friends earlier in the week, an attempt to see a movie at the theater (The Help--it was sold out), ice cream with the girls, bbq dinner and banana pudding with my family, and a movie with my sweetheart.

And here is my new ring....which was my birthday present & 15-year anniversary (in May) present from Kelly. It is my original setting, only in platinum, and a new diamond band. I'm not a huge jewelry person but I LOVE it!


Natalie said...

I love all your recent posts and I really love your birthday/anniversary gift. It is beautiful. Your rafting trip looks like a great way to celebrate back to school.

Quincy Sorensen said...

Happy birthday, and I LOVE YOUR RING!