Saturday, October 22, 2011

Mac(!), DC, Halloween, & Primary program

Computer crashed....again. But good news--I finally got a Mac!!! I'm giddy with excitement but I have to wait til Wednesday for it to come in.

Kelly, Kierstyn and I had a fun whirlwind trip to DC over Fall Break. Um, not sure when I'll get around to posting about it. I'll have to figure out my new computer first. The boys spent a few fun days in the 'Boro with my mom and their cousins.

Kierstyn had 2 girls from church over yesterday to make pumpkin bread for all the Primary teachers. Their sacrament program is tomorrow and Kierstyn really wanted to do something for the teachers. It was fun.

Halloween is a week away. Kierstyn is all set in her cowgirl attire. Kyler bought an Afro wig that he thinks qualifies as a "costume". Kelly and Trevin spent several hours yesterday making a Lego man costume. Why have I never solicited Kelly's help with Halloween costumes before now?! Hoping to finish it up tomorrow.

I'm not ready for Fall Break to be over! And we've got a crazy week coming up. Ever feel like you need a vacation from your vacation???


Meghan said...

so excited about your mac!!!!

Meghan said...

and i'm sad we never got to see the boys- well, I got a glimpse of them at church.