Thursday, December 8, 2011

I know it's December!

How cow! How did it get to be December already?! And we're practically halfway through it too. Only 17 more days til Christmas? Good thing I've got most of my shopping done. :)

Before I move on to Christmas-related items, I must first mention that soccer season is officially over. Kyler's team won the District Championships!!! It was pouring down rain for the entire game...which made for a fun game for the boys (especially since they won 5-1!) but pretty soggy for the spectators. Even with all the rain, it was an exciting game to watch!

Moving right along.

So I know it is December because....
Our tree is up! I leave the lights on pretty much all day every day. I love my tree! (and look! we've even got a few presents under there!)

I know it's December because....
I've started to make my annual batches of caramel corn. My grandma used to make this caramel corn every year and we always got a big bagful at Christmas. I've carried on the tradition and now I'm the one making big bags of caramel corn for everyone in my family. I just love thinking about her each year as I pull out her recipe. Not to mention the sugar rush I get from sampling. :)

I know it's December because...
Buddy is baaaaaaaack! Our Elf has returned. Kierstyn and Trevin fight every morning to see who can find his new hiding spot first. The other day Buddy roasted some marshmallows right on the kitchen counter!

I know it's December because....
We are remembering family traditions. I did this when the kids were younger but haven't done it for a couple of years. Recently I've realized that Trevin kind of misses out on a few things being the youngest (we seem to outgrow certain traditions the older the kids get) so I decided to do this again for him--and the other kids have joined in as well. I wrapped up all our Christmas books as our own kind of Christmas Advent. Trevin unwraps one every night and we read it together before bedtime. Sweet memories.

I know it's December because...
We had our Christmas party at church last night. My Young Women were in charge of serving hot chocolate to the little kids after they had a visit with Santa. Cute little Santa's helpers! :)


kg said...

Fun, fun! I love your tree skirt, it looks very large..did you make it? Is the carmel corn recipe easy? Maybe I'll try looks so good! Merry Christmas Merediths! Miss you guys!

Denise said...

Jen! I just want you to know I LOVE reading your blog! Happy December...

Natalie said...

I love all of the things that mean it is December at your house. Your caramel corn looks delicious! Miss you all!