Kierstyn was in the school-wide spelling bee today. The top 8 kids from each grade (grades 4-8) participate in the school-wide bee. Kierstyn has been studying the list of words intensely the past several days.
She made it to round 7 and got out on the word "tardigrade." Yeah, I'd never heard of that word before either. She ended up in 7th place (out of 40) so she totally rocked it!
We made a stop at Sweet CeCe's after school to celebrate her awesome-ness.
Yea so fun!! Tonight practicing Alexis' spelling words I told her about Kierstyn and had her do it "spelling bee" style. :)
Congratulations to Kierstyn! That IS awesome!
NO WAYYYYY!!! I got bumped out a spelling bee in the 6th grade, with the word 'tardigrada'... I was devastated because I took 3rd, whimper, so close. Now I've got to go look up what the difference between tardigrade and tardigrada is, snicker. Funny that I can't remember any of the words I got RIGHT, but I sure remember the one that gave me the 'boot'!!
Kudos to Trevin and Kierstyn ~ both excellent accomplishments! 7th out of 40 ~ amazing!! That girl is just GOOD!!! In EVERYthing! :>)
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