Monday, January 23, 2012

What's going on....

I know, I know. I've been absent from the blog for a bit. Just couldn't get in the mood to update and I was busy with other things. Rest assured after I finish this post I'm updated. :)

2012 is off to a great start! We have enjoyed having Kelly home for several weeks in a row. Of course that just makes it all the harder for us to have him leave again. I have made some changes (not resolutions) and so far, so good. I love how the new year always gives me extra motivation to do all the things I'm supposed to be doing anyways.

I was released from my YW calling the first of January and I am now teaching Primary. I am teaching the 11 year olds (Kierstyn's class) and I love it! I love that I am challenged each week to study and learn right along with the kids. I'm also filling in as a Webelos leader. I only have 2 boys and I really have no idea what I'm doing but it's ok.

We decided to invest in granite countertops and stainless steel appliances for our kitchen in the hopes that it will make our house more sellable. *See post below.* We have had a pretty steady stream of lookers (not counting the last 3-4 weeks before/after Christmas) and the one comment we keep getting over and over is that our kitchen is not updated. We hope this will do the trick!

Kierstyn has been getting up early 3 mornings during the week to run on the treadmill and do "stomach exercises" with Kelly. Occasionally I even join them. :) She wants to run a 5K in February so this is her training regimen. I'm very proud of her. She's also in the school spelling bee this Wednesday so we've been studying spelling words.

I finally got around to another project in Kierstyn's room. I've been wanting to do this on her wall for over a year but I finally just convinced her to let me do it. Actually she bought a new clock and when I suggested that we hang it in the grouping she finally acquiesced. :) It's just a bunch of different fabrics in embroidery hoops. Super easy. I'm not totally sure what I think of the final product but it's up for now.
This is from one day over Christmas vacation. Kierstyn was cleaning her room and she set up shop right outside her bedroom door with all her "junk" (her word, not mine) to sell to her brothers. She makes life interesting. :)

This cutie can grow some hair! This was taken before his most recent haircut but it's still pretty long. Trevin has wrestled in a couple of wrestling tournaments up in Middle TN with his cousin's wrestling team. Grand-daddy is coaching this year and Trevin has enjoyed his time with GD.

My latest project is working on my Blurb book for 2011. Only 3 months to go! Once that's finished I have several more things lined up. It is January, after all.


kg said...

I love the fabric and hoops! I hope to do that in Grace's room one day.

Jessica M said...

Enjoyed this post! I saw something like those cute fabric circles on pinterest and I love them! They look so cute. So y'all are selling your house? Are you staying in town?

Kimberly Cone said...

The wall art in K's room is great! The kitchen looks good, too.

Anonymous said...

It always amazes me how much Kierstyn and Hailey are alike. Now I just need your patience to deal with it. My friend was going to do similar wall art and I suggested to her to have her daughters initial done in one of the pieces of fabric. Love her wall!! Anxious to hear how the house selling goes with the new stuff... looks great. :)

Mama Mary said...

Kierstyn's new wall decor is AWESOME! Love it when a visual actually becomes real :>)