Monday, September 10, 2007


I'm finally getting around to it....
My friend Kim tagged me and so as not to let anyone down, here goes. :)

1.You have to post these rules before you give the facts.
2. Players, you must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of their middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had.
3. When you are tagged you need to write your own blog-post containing your own middle name game facts.
4. At the end of your blog-post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

Middle Name: Jo

Jocund: (go look it up if you don't know what it means...there aren't many "j" words, you know!)
Organized: Well, at least I like to think so.

1. Do you like cheese? Yep, pretty much any kind--my fave is muenster melted on bread (broiled in the toaster oven)
2. Have you ever been arrested? Nope
3. Have you ever shot a gun? We have a paintball gun that we love to shoot in the backyard--a favorite Family Home Evening activity
4. Your favorite song? Hmmmm......this changes all the time. My last favorite song was Anyway by Martina McBride and before that it was I'm Watching You by Rodney Atkins
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? What's a doctor?
6. What do you think of when you eat hot dogs? "I hope these are all-beef"....I only like 'em if they're cooked on the grill--the blacker the better
7. What's your favorite Christmas song? Mary, Did You Know?
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? OJ
9. Can you do push ups? The girl kind....I have NO upper body strength
10. Is your bathroom clean? Ha! Ha! Ha! I've given up even trying (not that I ever tried that hard).
11. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? I'm not a big fan of jewelry as my sisters-in-law can attest--I wear the same pair of earrings for an entire year. I guess my fave would have to be my engagement/wedding ring.
12. Favorite Hobby? At present, blogging, but I have LOTS!
13. What are you listening to right now? Kyler breathing over my shoulder and a quiet house (the other 2 are still asleep)
14. What is the last thing you ate? Chocolate caramel brownie ice cream cone last night
15. What one trait do you hate about yourself? That I don't follow through with a note when I think about sending one to a friend.
16. Middle Name? Duh.
17. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment? I'm really, really hungry; I need to get off the computer so I can wake up Kierstyn; I hope K&K want to eat school lunch so I don't have to pack one for them.
18. Name the last 3 things you have bought. Barbie cake plates, Barbie tablecloth, and birthday candles.
19. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink. Water, milk (with ice), OJ
20. Current worry right now? I'm not a worrier.
21. Current hate? HATE? That's kind of a strong word, isn't it? Nothing at the moment.
22. Favorite place to be? at the beach or reading a book on the couch on a rainy day
23. How did you bring in the New Year? in Orlando, Florida with my hubby (and no kids!!!) :)
24. What is your quirkiest habit? I like for the toilet paper to be on the thingie the "right" know, so you pull the sheets off the TOP, not from the bottom!
25. Name three people who will complete this and return? Everyone I know has already done it...I'm just doing it so I won't be the only one who didn't.
26. How many siblings do you have? 1 brother
27. Do you own slippers? Nope- My feet prefer to go nude.
28. What shirt are you wearing? the same shirt I wore yesterday after church and slept in last night
29. What shampoo do you use? Suave Color Professsionals Blonde Highlights
30. Favorite colors? Blue
31. Would you like to be a pirate? No way, matey!
32. What songs do you sing in the shower? I use my shower time to THINK, not sing.
33. Favorite female name? ?
34. Favorite male name? ?
35. What's in your pockets right now? nada
36. Last thing that made you laugh? talking to my sis-in-law on the phone--we always make each other laugh!
37. Best bed sheets as a child? I don't remember the sheets, but ahhhh, the rainbow wallpaper.
38. Worst injury you've ever had? nothing major
39. When's your birthday? Aug. 20th
40. How many TVs do you have in your house? 1 (one too many!)
41. Who is your loudest friend? Chris, my BFF from high school
43. Does someone have a crush on you? Oh yeah.
44. Do you wish on shooting stars? Doesn't everyone?
45.What is your favorite book? Too many--2 of my faves are: The whole Chronicles of Narnia series and Tuesdays With Morrie.
46.What is your favorite age? every age
47. What song do/did you want played at your wedding? I really didn't care...I didn't care much about anything at my wedding-- I just wanted to be MARRIED!
48. What song do you want played at your funeral? How Great Thou Art
49. What were you doing at 12 am this morning? Dreaming.
50. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? it time to get up already?

I now tag: anyone who needs an idea for a first post to get started blogging!


Stefanie H said...

I love meunster cheese too!! hahaha thats so funny about the toilet paper because i'm the Same way :)

kg said...

Lucky you're not a can worry for me! You forgot to put running in the Al heat as your most favorite hobby! HA! See you in the a.m.

danakat said...

I'm so glad you finally decided to grace us with your answers. :)
And ditto on the tp roll.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE YOU!! All of you, just absolutely everything about your cute, jocund self!