Monday, May 19, 2008

Kierstyn Creams the Principal!

At the kids' school, the top 3 readers (most AR points) in each grade get to "cream the principal" at the end of the year. Kierstyn tied for 1st place this year!

and just for flashback's she was last year. (Looking at these pictures, she doesn't look like she's changed much in a year.)


Anonymous said...

Reading Builds Character ~ and brings BIG smiles! What an incentive to read! Whoo-hoo! Way to go Kierstyn!!

Anonymous said...

Is that Principal Mullins i see? That was MY principal in elementary school too :-D

Lisha said...

She has seriously got to be one of the cutest little girls I have ever seen!

Dawn, said...

Yay for Kierstyn! I love the fun AR brings. My kids are NOT readers but the schools always have such fun rewards, so it gets them competitive!

Wendyrful said...

different teeth! :-)