Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Summertime is coming!

We have enjoyed a beeeeeeeee-autiful day today playing outside! I had to close the windows late this morning and turn on the air and I have a feeling that was the last of the open window weather. Only 1 1/2 more days of school and summer officially begins (for us, at least).

Trevin had a friend over this morning and they jumped on the trampoline...with the sprinkler on underneath--a favorite summertime activity at our house.
And I was lucky enough to get to watch the littlest B for awhile this morning. How cute is this little guy?! He was absolutely positively PERFECT!Look at my garden! It is growing, growing, growing!Here it is just a month ago:And I have pretty flowers blooming too!


Anonymous said...

Summer-time, summer-time, summer-time, ALL the signs it is really on its' way :>) LOVE the flowers ~ and YOUR garden, AMAZING ~ just like its' gardener!!!!

Dawn, said...

Gerbera daisies are one of my favorites!! I love sprinkler days!

kg said...

Look at your Gerbers!! Beautiful :)

Anonymous said...

haha thats funny your kids jump on the trampoline with the sprinkler on cause my family used to do that too! :) Very lovely garden!