Frozen Fruit Cups = Summertime
I make these every year. My kids have come to expect them come summer. We eat them with lunch, dinner, and even for dessert.
Frozen Fruit Salad (my Aunt Judy's recipe)
Mix together and bring to a boil:
1 1/4 c. sugar
1 c. water
Let mixture cool.
Combine in large bowl:
1 can crushed pineapple, drained
1 can apricots, drained and cut into smallish pieces
2 sm. (or 1 lg.) pkg. frozen strawberries + the juice
3 bananas, sliced
I've never messed with the recipe until this year.....I added 3/4 c. frozen blueberries. Tonight when Trevin was eating his fruit cup, he said, "Mom, these real frozen blueberries are AWE-SOME!"
Pour sugar syrup over fruit and stir gently to combine. Spoon (or pour) into paper-lined muffin tins. This recipe makes enough for 18 muffin cups....and then I use what's left to fill a 8x8 square pan. (You could do all muffin cups or just put it all in a larger Pyrex and cut squares.) Freeze.
Just today I was thinking about strawberries and wondering where in Chattanooga I could go to get some......when Kelly called from Madison to see if I wanted him to bring home some strawberries (from my favorite strawberry stand) :)

I can't wait to try these yummy looking fruit cups, thanks for the recipe. And how cute is Trev with the sander. That is great they are involving everyone to help.
when you go to serve these do you thaw them out first or served as a frozen treat?
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