Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Sanding and Painting

Our school is doing a Classroom Makeover this week. Parents and volunteers are working in all the classrooms scraping, painting, building, and just generally giving each room a facelift. (Our school is 70 years old so you can imagine....) I am helping out by sewing pillows and curtains and painting furniture. We stopped by the school last night and picked up 2 pieces of furniture to paint. The kids were eager to get started this morning.

Trevin was on Sanding duty. I plugged in the electric sander and he was good to go. He LOVED that thing and he worked on it all day.Kierstyn wanted to paint so after I taped off the inside of this whiteboard she gave it the primer coat.


Jennifer M. said...

How impressive! I bet they will remember that for a long time. I let our kids help paint the room we finished off...they still talk about it. Would love to see the before and after pics when you're done... :)

Quincy Sorensen said...

These pictures of K are precious. Those frozen fruit yummies look very good. Do you eat them frozen? I guess so. You always have good ideas.