Wednesday, March 17, 2010

the Miracle of modern inventions

Here's a shout out to the miracle and God-given blessings that modern inventions can be to our lives...

Two examples:
1. This weekend we stayed in Murfreesboro and due to the very late night we had Saturday at the wrestling tournament (and the time change) we slept in and didn't make it to church. We planned to have "church" in the car on the way home so as we started down the road, I pulled out the scriptures and started reading. After finishing a chapter, Kyler said, "Can you teach us our Primary lesson?" (Kyler and Kierstyn are in different Primary classes but are taught from the same manual each week.) Not too long ago this wouldn't have been possible because a)I don't teach their class so I don't have their manual and b) even if I did teach their class I wouldn't have brought it with me on vacation. But thanks to the miracle of the computer and wireless Internet connections and Aps for IPods, I was able to teach the complete lesson of Abraham and Isaac. You see, there's a (free) Ap for the all the Primary manuals (and the scriptures, too!) that Kyler had previously downloaded on his IPod.

2. This morning I was thinking about how I would really like to get some new church music to play on the piano. Unfortunately I don't live close to a church bookstore where I can easily peruse the sheet music selections to find something I'd like to and am capable of playing. A quick google search for "lds piano sheet music" led me to a plethora of choices that I could sample before paying a nominal $2 fee and download. No going to the store. No ordering online and waiting for a package to arrive. 5 minutes later and I'm sitting at the piano playing a new piano arrangement.

I think that's pretty cool.


Meghan said...

That is pretty cool!! It is so nice when I forget manuals or scriptures at church, I just pull out my iphone and it is all there. One of my favorite aps is LDS Channel- it broadcast conference talks and the radio station from SLC. It's pretty cool.

I love modern inventions that help us for the good :)

Quincy Sorensen said...

Yes, that is amazing and time-saving!

Jenni said...

Yes, it is great to have easy access to so many wonderful things - I print sheet music off of all the time - didn't know if you'd ever heard of that site before so sorry if it is redundant!

lisapenn said...

I had no idea that kind of stuff was available. I need to get with it!

Mama Mary said...

Whoa!! That is SO, SO, SO awesome! However, for me the bestest part is that Kyler REQUESTED a Primary lesson. Now, THAT is way cool!! Time to get an iphone. . . well, as soon as Al completes his research. . .can't just go buy one, ya know. The sheet music deal is great. What a time AND $$$ saver. Great news all around.