Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Meredith Birthday Party Plan 2010

My kids don't get a "friend" birthday party every year. In fact, I think so far each of them have had exactly 1 "friend" party. I just don't like all the stress so over the years we have done several different things. Some years we celebrated in M'boro with cousins and since my kids have no shortage of cousins those parties almost qualified as "friend" parties in my book. :) Some years we have done a fun family activity in lieu of a "party." Last year we went to the Aquarium and bowling for Trevin's birthday, to a rock climbing gym for Kyler's birthday, and had a cousin party in M'boro for Kiersytn's birthday.

So this year I decided to make everyone happy by letting each of the kids have a "friend" party. But to save myself a lot of headaches I came up with a plan:
Each kid gets $200. Period. They can choose what they want to do with it (subject to parent approval, of course). If they want to blow it all on a huge party, then fine. If they want to take the whole $200 and go shopping, then fine. If they want to go to the movies and out for pizza with a couple of friends and keep the rest of the money, then that's fine, too. I figure that it'll be a little lesson in the value of money and priorities (party or presents?).

So first we brainstormed birthday party ideas. We made quite a long list and then divided the list so that each kid could research them. They had to figure out how much the party costs, how many kids could be invited, what was included, etc. Then we made a big chart so they could compare. This isn't a very good picture but hopefully you can get the idea. (click to enlarge)
It was quite a good learning experience I think, and it was helpful to have it all listed in one place so they could see how much more one party costs than another. The $200 has to include their party, cake, and goody bags (if they choose to have them). Whatever is leftover is their money for their present (we aren't buying them anything).

Trevin's birthday is up first and wouldn't you know it, he absolutely insisted on a party at Chuck E. Cheese! No amount of persuasion could deter him from this party of his dreams! :) And since it fit in the budget there really wasn't anything I could do about it! We made a guest list, sent out the invites, picked out a cake, and now we are counting down to the big day: 2 more days til party time.....look for pictures soon!

Just for fun....more links to our past birthday celebrations:
Trevin's Dino-Mite "Friend" Birthday Party
Kierstyn's Weeklong Birthday Celebration and Baptism Birthday Party
Kierstyn's Ice Skating Party
Kyler's Bowling "Friend" Birthday Party


kg said...

Oh my goodness, $200!? I would of said $20 :)

lisapenn said...

Seriously the best idea i have heard in a long time. I easily spend that on each of my kids b-day with cake, too many presents, and "special" b-day supper. I may have to implement this one!

Anonymous said...

$200 each could get some plane tickets to come to Utah... just saying! :)

Anonymous said...

And I agree with it all- that's what we kind of did (without all the planning) for Alexis and I loved it.

Dawn, said...

SOOOOO had to laugh at your thoughts of Chuck E Cheese... my thoughts too. Ty has always loved it there... he calls it the 'Mouse House', and has gone there 3 years running, whimper. But he loves it and thankfully at least it is 1 stop shopping as far as party planning goes :) I bet your kiddos sure felt $200 was a ton of money until they did their research... reality can really stink sometimes ;]

Mama Mary said...

You are a genius!! Trevin's actual b'day isn't until the 27th. . .right???

Michael and Lindsey said...

I heard about this last year on another blog and think it sounds like a GREAT idea! I wish that we could implement it at our house but I think our kids are a little young still. It is going to be so interesting to see how your kids decide what they want to do/get/buy with their money! It also cracks me up that no amount of persuasion was going to keep Trevin from going to Chuck E Cheese! Make sure that you get on their website for some really great coupons before you go...maybe the poor kiddo will have enough money left over to buy himself a little something! Great idea Jen - you are always so inspiring!

Meghan said...

I LOVE this idea!!!