Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Can You Feel the Love Tonight?*

Happy Valentines Day!

We've been Valentine-ing for weeks now. I got a little overzealous and made several new V-Day decorations. I usually have a hard time figuring out what to put on my mantel but this makes me happy. :)

A huge hit this year was the addition of Valentine mailboxes for the kids. They wrote notes to each other and left them in each other's mailboxes for the past couple of weeks. I also snuck in a treat or two for them.

We had a candlelight dinner tonight. It was super yummy! Dessert was especially good (and fun!).

Kierstyn has been busily working on a Valentine surprise for her teacher at school. She spent countless hours cutting hearts and making decorations to "heart attack" Mr. H. She and some friends stayed after school yesterday to get the room ready. It was a success and Mr. H told me that she made his week!

I helped her make homemade window clings. (Who knew, right?!)

And she made these for me and Kelly. :)

*I titled my post Can You Feel the Love Tonight? because we watched The Lion King on Sunday. Oh how I love that movie. Can you believe that Trevin had never seen it?!


Meghan said...

Trevin never saw it??? Oh my word.

i love the "xoxo" thing on the mantel. and I especially love the mailbox idea. :)

Anonymous said...

We did the mailboxes too!!! My kids are mad I am putting them away. :) love your mantel.

hope said...

I have always wanted to do a little family mailbox for V-day. I just haven't got into the whole decorating for it though. Maybe next year.

Quincy Sorensen said...

I'm loving it all! What a fun family!

kg said...

'Loving' it all :) The mailboxes are so cute and the fancy printed off menu, great idea! The kids were surprised when I actually put a table cloth on the table last night :)

Natalie said...

You are so stinkin' creative. I love it all. We did the mailboxes this year too, wasn't that fun? My kids asked if we could keep them out and have a year round mail system in our home...

Miss you guys.