Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Trip to the State Capitol

It's days like today that make me so, so happy that I get to be a stay-at-home mom! Trevin came home a couple weeks ago VERY excited about his upcoming trip to the state capitol in Nashville. The first 2 parents in each classroom to turn in their permission slips and pay their money were to be able to ride on the (charter) bus and Trevin was very, very eager for me to do so. It was really cute how anxious he was. He even wanted me to take him to school the next day so he could get there early and go straight to his classroom to turn in his form/money. As fate would have it, I lucked out and was able to ride the bus all the way to Nashville with him! :) It was a super fun trip.Trev sat between his friend, L and me. He played his iPod, chatted with his friends on L's DS, and read his book.

At the Capitol!

Where's Waldo?!
We are lucky that one of our state senators just happens to have a daughter at our school (and in Trevin's class). The kids sat at the desks in the state senate and Senator Burke let them press the button for a vote and even speak into the microphones.

Next we went to the House of Representatives
Knowing a senator has its privileges.....TN Governor Bill Haslam came to talk to the kids and had his picture taken with the whole 3rd grade!
Crazy kid!
This was our favorite room: the former library (now just a "lounge"). It had a really cool staircase and ceiling.
I had a great time with Trevin and I loved watching him with his friends. I'm so glad he wanted me to come along. :)

And afterwards......a long-overdue haircut. Yay!!!

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