Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Our first 2 weeks

I can't believe that we've been here 2 weeks already!  We pulled into town on Thursday, May 24th...about 5 hours after our truck arrived and unloaded all our stuff.

Kyler & Kierstyn actually went to school the next day.  It was the last day of school out here so it was a "fun" day for sure!  We spent the weekend unpacking, moving boxes around, etc.  Saturday was a cold, rainy day.  It even snowed on the mountains!  This is looking out our front window. :)

The kids are all playing baseball/softball so they've had practices and games, Kyler is moving pipe (irrigation lines) every morning, Kierstyn is going to a basketball camp this week, I've been running and to Zumba.  We've also been finishing a room in the garage for the boys to sleep in.

But THIS is what's been keeping Trevin so busy...

A big pile of dirt, a couple of shovels, and some water is all this kid needs to keep him busy for hours and hours!

Kelly has been quite busy himself searching for just the right vehicle.  He finally found THE ONE so we drove all the way to Rexburg to pick it up on Tuesday.  Here she is:

This handsome little guy has decided that he wants a dog.  He has even been searching the local want ads on the Internet.  He is pretty insistent that a yellow lab would the perfect playmate.  We told him he'd have to wait until we get in a more permanent house and then we'll talk about it.  (Anyone think he'll change his mind by then? :))

1 comment:

McKenzie said...

He already emailed my kids and told them he was getting a dog :)! Good luck convincing him otherwise.