Monday, June 11, 2012

Random thoughts on a Monday

I just had another neighbor drop off 2 loaves of warm bread, homemade jam, & cookies.  I was trying to wait until everyone else got home to slice into it but the smell of freshly baked bread is just about more than I can handle.  And bread and jam totally count as dinner, right?  Because I'm pretty sure that I'm not going to want dinner after I eat this delicious bread.  Everyone has been SO, SO nice here.  We have felt very welcomed.

It's 6:00 and so far today my kids have picked up rocks at the mink farm, moved pipe (irrigation lines), painted/stained the wood on the one restaurant in town & cut hay.  I think country livin' is going to be good for them.  And yes, they're all sleeping great at night!

Yesterday evening we took our first Sunday drive and went exploring.  We went to Sublett Reservoir and then broke in the 4x4 on Kelly's truck by driving a very rough road.  The kids rode in the back and we saw SO MANY deer!  And they were so big!  And pretty!  Good memories.  Late last night Kelly had gone outside to turn off the sprinklers and he called me outside.  I thought he was going to show me some animal lurking out there but no, it was the sky he wanted me to see.  Stars EVERYWHERE!  I absolutely could not believe how many there were.  It was truly a breathtaking moment for me.

Idaho is dirty.  I shouldn't admit this but I think I have mopped my floor more times in the 2 1/2 weeks we've been here than the entire 4 years we lived in Chattanooga.  I know, gross.  I really should've mopped more. The dust sure does show on our black furniture!

Trevin injured his thumb last Thursday night playing on the playground at the school.  We still haven't taken him in.  I'm pretty sure it's not broken(?) but he most definitely jammed it good.  He's been super tough though; he didn't even cry when it happened.  It hasn't stopped him from wanting to play with friends so I keep telling myself that it must not be broken if he still wants to play. Right?

My Ragnar Relay race is in 4 days.  I can't breathe at this high elevation and my hip is totally hurt and I feel like such a baby.  I figure if I take enough Advil and run/walk my race legs, I should be able to get through it.  I'm excited about the experience (minus the running part).  I guess if I decide to do this again next year I'll be more acclimated to the elevation and have an easier time.  I'm just looking forward to relaxing in the hot tub on Saturday afternoon.

Well, they're still not home and my powers of resistance have failed me....I'm off to eat some warm bread slathered with butter and jam!


Denise said...

It's been awhile since I checked in. good to see you made it and what a fun time you are having!!! I'm still wondering WHY you moved, but's all good. Enjoy the big wide open spaces! Always fun to read your blog. And good luck in your upcoming run (and walk ;)

Dawn, said...

6 years and we still love to sit outside at night and just look UP... I am positive that it will never get old. Shawn often runs 5Ks with his brothers when we visit Utah. It is always a challenge because he struggles with the change in altitude. So excited to continue hearing of your 'adventures'... and I too love how well my children sleep after a long, sweaty, dirty day outside.