Monday, August 27, 2012

First Day of School 2012

 Kyler-9th grade
 Kierstyn-6th grade
 Trevin-4th grade

And just because it's always so much fun to look back when they were still wee babes....
2009 (can you even believe Kierstyn's hair?!)
2008 and 2008
2007 (my first ever blog post!) & 2007 (I can hardly stand the cuteness!!!!)


kg said...

I remember your first blog post well....sniff, that was so long ago and you're right. Look how little your kids look!

Mama Mary said...

Loving the look back in time! OH MY!! Laughing and crying! Priceless!! Such a handsome bunch!!!!!!!!

Natalie said...

Very cute back to school kids. I took a peek at previous years, they are so little and so stinkin' cute.